Saturday, December 16, 2006

Back running with sore back and legs

I had a week of low mileage due to travel, with some of those miles on a treadmill. Now I am back running and have added ice to the mix. These combine into a recipe for muscle fatigue and the leg and back muscles are sore!

I also am not sleeping very weell. I am waking up between 5:30 and 6am and cannot get back to sleep. This is even true on mornings that I can/should sleep in and mornings after I have been up a bit late the night before. I also have not been tired or looking for a nap any afternoon in over a week. Not sure what is up.

Maybe I am just getting old. . .

Friday, December 08, 2006

Poor week of training

I spent the week in Austin, TX for work. Temps ranged from about 38* to 85* which was much warmer than home. That said, I only got two runs in for about 7 miles.

1) I hate running on the road when I don't know where I am running.

2) I hate running from hotels that are not near parks, trails, or running paths. I don't feel safe on the streets with traffic and not know where I am going.

3) I hate running where I don't feel safe and know what kind of neighborhoods I am running through.

4) I hate being in meetings all day and then running after dark with the above conditions.

I will get runs in tomorrow and Sunday at home and then get back to my normal mileage next week.

The strangest thing about this is I love running in the dark at home where I know I am going. . . But on the road, I am afraid of getting lost, hitting a tree branch (happened this week!), getting hit by a car, etc.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Worst and Best 5k Ever!

I ran the Jingle Bell run this morning in -10* windchill. Officially, it was my worst 5k ever; unofficially, it was my best 5k ever. How does this happen? I had an emergancy at work that got me to the race late. I ended up starting 18 minutes late and meeting the winner coming back during the first quarter mile. I ran most of the race about 1K behind the sweeper, but a well painted course and a couple of volunteers that stayed out in the cold made it great. Official time was 53:12, unofficial on my GPS was 34:57 (and 3.2 miles!) for a PR (personal record).

Friends and family donated $220 for me to run and the total even took in almost $20,000 v. $4,200 last year. The money goes to Arthritis research.

I saw an older lady that had to walk with a crutch. Her fingers were twisted from the disease. When she sat down on a chair, one foot remained in the air because she could not bend her knee enough for her foot to reach the ground. Thanks to all who supported me; I ran because I could!

Friday, December 01, 2006

Tired Legs

I am on my third day of "vacation" and I am running a 5k in the morning. Training calendar calls for a 3mile short run, but my legs do not feel in the mood. I need to decide in the next 20 minutes or so, if I am going to go home and get the run in before I have to pick up the son from daycare.

BTW, I ate poorly this week; wonder if that made this worse?