I have been reading Matt Fitzgerald’s book Racing Weight
and I really like what I am finding. I have switched over to his plan
and increased my daily calorie consumption to insure I reach my race
goals at the right weight, without sacrificing muscle and performance to
do so. He operates on a points system called Diet Quality. You receive
between +2 and -2 points per serving depending on what type of food it
is (Fruit, veggie, Lean Meat, Fat Meat, Nuts, Sugar, etc.) and how many
servings you have had that day. The best possible score is +32. In the
five days I have been tracking my score, I have been between 16 and 25,
with an average of 21. That is very good. I feel like I am eating too
much, I am not hungry, and I am eating even better than I was.
great, right? Well, I started the program Sunday, Jan 6. I also
started increasing my mileage and intensity for spring training on
Sunday Dec. 30th. Between Thursday Jan 3rd, and Thursday Jan 10th, I
lost 6#. Wow, way too much. The plan says I should lose about 0.9# per
week to insure I don’t negatively impact my training and muscle
development. I seem to have crossed a magical barrier where my body is
forced to burn more calories per day than it would like to keep up with
my training. (see my previous post here on Exercise, Metabolism, and
Weight Loss -- http://windrunning.blogspot.com/2012/11/exercise-metabolism-and-weight-loss.html) I have also been normal temperature at work the last two days, and did not need to wear my jacket.
I am back to the book to make sure I am getting enough energy ingested
to keep up with my training. The plan only gets harder from here and I
need to make sure I don’t starve myself. I think this is the first time
in my life I have ever been worried about losing weight too fast and
not eating enough. It feels strange.
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