Friday, October 13, 2006

Cold Run II

Air temp was about 44* around 1pm to day when I set out. Sun was bright and warm, but there was still some snow on the ground from Wednesday's storm and a 35 to 40mph North wind kept things chilly and challenging. Despite the conditions, I did 4.33 miles.

I realize I also posted an article on "fat burning" that said run in an aerobic range rather than anerobic. Today, my heart rate was too high. I did not feel that short of breath, and was still able to sing from time to time. But my heart rate monitor said I was too fast and to intense for the best benefits.

Going to fast on endurance runs increases the chances of injury and does not help with fat burning. I will need to watch this, especially to see what the effect of temperature will have on getting the right pace for my winter runs.

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